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The cleanest room in our apartment

I am a little bit Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde when it comes to cleaning. I either can’t be bothered and am a total lazy slob, or I am organized too much and it takes me way too long to clean a room. I love to go into the New Year starting fresh and that begins with your home. I have a few little systems I use when it comes to cleaning my house that I thought might be helpful.


Step 1

The first thing I do is make a list of every single room. We currently live in a 2-bedroom apartment with a kitchen/dining area/laundry in one, so I broke it down even further to have those all be different rooms and in our bedroom you have to turn a corner to get to the bathroom, so I included our hallway because it has a bookshelf. Next, I break each room into several tasks. For instance, in our bedroom I wrote: tidy up (pick up any dirty laundry, throw away any trash, move anything that isn’t supposed to be in there to it’s right room), organize (we have a desk in here, so I cleaned each drawer out, and we have a few bookshelves, so I organized them to have the right stuff on them and to look nice), change sheets/make bed (who doesn’t want to start the new year with fresh sheets?), dust, clean/sanitize all surfaces, and vacuum. Not only is this ensuring a really nice perfect room, but it gives you so many things to cross off a list and who doesn’t love the feeling of crossing things off of a list?

It takes several days if you do it right, but it feels so good once you are done, and you can go to bed knowing your house is really, truly clean. I will post a photo of my apartment break down to give you any ideas of what to do.

Step 2

Once your house is entirely clean, then you can work on daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly tasks. I’ll once again include what I wrote down to give you ideas, but it is going to be different for everyone. Some people are super super clean and want to bleach the sinks once a week, while others are perfectly fine with once or twice a month. Some people never touch their refrigerator, while others might love to do it at the end of the month and use up all the expiring items (sounds like a fun CHOPPED-esque game if you ask me)!

Step 3

I find it super helpful to have a monthly wall calendar with spots on each day to write stuff in. I use this for birthdays, for my blog posts, all normal appointments, and for my cleaning tasks so I know to look at it daily and make a note of everything I need to get done that day. I’m a big believer in mapping a month’s activities out at least a month before, so you can easily just have your next month of cleaning planned out (or even a year if you are into that stuff like me). I am personally a big fan of rewarding myself when I’ve achieved a goal, so if that is helpful, you could give yourself incentive like buying that kind-of-pricey pan you wanted once you maintain a clean house for a month! I hope this was helpful, or even just the push you needed to do it yourself.

Do you have other things to add that are must clean? Tips and tricks?

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Brynne Ziontz

Brynne Oliver-Ziontz lives in Oakland with her husband and two cats daughters.  She's a yellow & seahorse lover, Latinophile & Anglophile, and most importantly, she's obsessed with anything sweet.  Her dream is to live in a world where all of these things can come together in perfect harmony.

Brynne attended Johnson & Wales University in Providence, RI for 2 years, receiving her Associates in Baking & Pastry Arts.  She started her career in the restaurant industry at Michael Mina Restaurant in San Francisco, too amazing of an experience for a young girl right out of school.  She has since spent the last 9+ years working in other well known restaurants and bakeries, all the while gaining more and more experience and reputation.

She makes delicious sweets out of her adorable kitchen in her quaint and quirky home.  She uses organic and local ingredients as often as possible and comes up with new and unique flavors all the time!  

Caballito is here to make churros, brownies, cupcakes, cakes, cookies, and any other sweets you could imagine!