I am a little bit Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde when it comes to cleaning. I either can’t be bothered and am a total lazy slob, or I am organized too much and it takes me way too long to clean a room. I love to go into the New Year starting fresh and that begins with your home. I have a few little systems I use when it comes to cleaning my house that I thought might be helpful.
Step 1
The first thing I do is make a list of every single room. We currently live in a 2-bedroom apartment with a kitchen/dining area/laundry in one, so I broke it down even further to have those all be different rooms and in our bedroom you have to turn a corner to get to the bathroom, so I included our hallway because it has a bookshelf. Next, I break each room into several tasks. For instance, in our bedroom I wrote: tidy up (pick up any dirty laundry, throw away any trash, move anything that isn’t supposed to be in there to it’s right room), organize (we have a desk in here, so I cleaned each drawer out, and we have a few bookshelves, so I organized them to have the right stuff on them and to look nice), change sheets/make bed (who doesn’t want to start the new year with fresh sheets?), dust, clean/sanitize all surfaces, and vacuum. Not only is this ensuring a really nice perfect room, but it gives you so many things to cross off a list and who doesn’t love the feeling of crossing things off of a list?
It takes several days if you do it right, but it feels so good once you are done, and you can go to bed knowing your house is really, truly clean. I will post a photo of my apartment break down to give you any ideas of what to do.
Step 2
Once your house is entirely clean, then you can work on daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly tasks. I’ll once again include what I wrote down to give you ideas, but it is going to be different for everyone. Some people are super super clean and want to bleach the sinks once a week, while others are perfectly fine with once or twice a month. Some people never touch their refrigerator, while others might love to do it at the end of the month and use up all the expiring items (sounds like a fun CHOPPED-esque game if you ask me)!
Step 3
I find it super helpful to have a monthly wall calendar with spots on each day to write stuff in. I use this for birthdays, for my blog posts, all normal appointments, and for my cleaning tasks so I know to look at it daily and make a note of everything I need to get done that day. I’m a big believer in mapping a month’s activities out at least a month before, so you can easily just have your next month of cleaning planned out (or even a year if you are into that stuff like me). I am personally a big fan of rewarding myself when I’ve achieved a goal, so if that is helpful, you could give yourself incentive like buying that kind-of-pricey pan you wanted once you maintain a clean house for a month! I hope this was helpful, or even just the push you needed to do it yourself.
Do you have other things to add that are must clean? Tips and tricks?